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Our Story

Welcome to Arrival Candle Co! We're so excited you're here!

My name is Sierra, + I run this brand with the help of my husband Brandon! I got the idea for Arrival Candle Co from a conversation I had with Brandon about his med school classes one day... I learned all about the olfactory nerve and how it's connected to your hippocampus (responsible for memory) and your amygdala (responsible for emotions). That's why when you smell something, emotions and memories come flooding back!

I wanted to harness that idea in this brand... so I carefully curated each scent to be based on your favorite memories. That way, when you light one of our candles, you are transported back to your favorite emotions and memories using your sense of smell. When you've arrived back at those places where the memories were made, you have experienced Arrival Candle Co!

We are so happy you've found us, and we hope every package from us sparks a little more joy in your life!

xoxo Sierra + Brandon

We pride ourselves in keeping our candles CLEAN

We spent months testing several waxes, fragrances and wicks to ensure a clean burn - allowing you to fill your home with incredible scents while keeping your entire family safe.

read more about our non-toxic methods in the "Candle FAQ" section